Howdy Guys, In This Post We Collect Tons of General Knowledge Questions and Answers Important for All India Competitive Exams like SSC, Railway, Bank, CDS, NDA, TET, UPSC, RBI, IBPS Clerk, etc. Here You Can Learn About Various Subjects like History, Geography, Politics, Economics, Science(Physics, Chemistry, Biology), Environment and ecology, Computers, Sports, and other Most Important Miscellaneous GK Questions. Without delay let’s get started –
GK Questions and Answers in English (Updated)
Geography GK>>
1. What is the name of our galaxy? – Milky Way Galaxy
2. According to the geocentric view, What is the centre of the universe? – Earth
3. According to its shape, what is the type of Milky Way Galaxy? – Spiral Galaxy
4. What is the name of the nearest large galaxy to Akash Ganga? – Andromeda or Messier 31
5. What does the Big Bang Theory explain? – Origin of the Universe.
6. Who propounded the Big Bang Theory of the universe? – Georges Lemaitre
7. What is the main hypothesis to elaborate on the origin of the universe? – The Big Bang Theory
8. Boson Particle is named after which Indian Physicist? – Satyendra Nath Bose
9. What is believed to root cause of the Universe? – God Particles
10. Who gave the God Particle to Higgs Boson? – Leon Lederman
11. Higgs Boson particle is related to which Indian Scientist? – Satyendra Nath Bose
12. In which year, Peter Higgs discovered the existence of a particle that explains why other particles have a mass? – In 1969
13. What is the time taken by the Sun to revolve around the centre of our Galaxy? – 25 Crore Years
14. Who was the first to see the Milky Way Galaxy? – Galileo Galilei
15. A particular pattern of Starts, Planets, and Satellites in the sky due to their position in space is called – Constellation
16. The limit beyond which the stars suffer internal collapse is called – Chandrasekhar Limit
17. Unit of measuring the distance between stars is – Light Year
18. If the stars are seen to rise perpendicular to the horizon by an observer, it is located on the – Equator
19. Which star is nearest to the Earth? – Proxima Centauri
20. The colour of the star indicates its – Temperature
21. Which of these is a celestial phenomenon occurring due to stars? – Black Hole
22. The group of stars that indicate the direction of the pole, is known as – Saptarishi
23. The Black Hole was first made known by whom? – S. Chandrasekhar
24. A Black Hole does not allow any type of radiation to pass through because of its – High Density
25. Solar eclipse occurs on which day? – New Moon Day (Amavasya)
26. One Astronomical Unit is the average distance between – The Earth and The Sun
27. Size of the Sun is how many times bigger than that of the Earth? – 109 times
28. Which planet takes the least time to orbit the Sun? – Mercury
29. What is the position of Mercury from the Sun? – 1st (First)
30. What is the number of days of the one year on Mercury? – 88 Days
31. What is the total number of Natural Satellites of Mercury? – Zero
32. Which of the planets of our Solar System has the least mass? – Mercury
33. Which satellite was launched by NASA to Study Planet Mercury? – Messenger Satellite
34. Which two planets of our Solar System do not have a satellite? – Mercury and Venus
35. Which planet is known as Morning and Evening star? – Venus
36. The Planets between Earth and Sun are – Mercury and Venus
37. Which spacecraft was launched by NASA to study the environment of Venus? – Magellan Spacecraft
38. Which is the hottest planet in the Solar System? – Venus
39. The Earth is located between which planets? – Venus and Mars
40. The cause of day and night on Earth is – Rotation of Earth on its Axis
41. Due to the existence of plants and animals, Earth is called – Green Planet
42. Which planet in Solar System has the largest density than any other planet? – Earth
43. Which star is nearest to the planet Earth? – Sun
44. What is the equatorial diameter of the Earth? – 12,756 km or 12,800 km (Approximate)
45. What is the name of the natural satellite of Earth? – Moon
46. The duration of which planet’s day and tilt of its axis are almost identical to those of Earth? – Mars
47. When was the phoenix Mars Lander landed on the surface of this planet? – 25th May 2008
48. Which is the largest planet in our Solar System? – Jupiter
49. The rings of Jupiter are made of which element? – Silicate
50. Who discovered the Moon of Jupiter? – Galileo
51. Which planet has the largest number of natural satellites? – Saturn
52. Titan is the largest Moon of which planet? – Saturn
53. Who discovered Uranus in March 1781 with a – William Herschel
54. Which is the farthest planet from the Sun in the Solar System? – Neptune
55. Tiny bodies found between Mars and Jupiter, which revolve around the Sun are called – Asteroids
56. What are larger asteroids called? – Planetoids
57. A comet is an icy smaller celestial body that revolves around – The Sun in Elliptical Orbit
58. Halley’s Comet reappears after every – 76 Years, Last Seen in 1986
59. Meteors are very small stone-like objects that are revolving around – Sun
60. Which scholar suggested the Earth’s origin from gases and dust particles? – Otto Schmidt
61. Heavier materials to have sunk towards which part of the Earth? – Center of the Earth
62. Starting from the surface to the centre, the layers of the Earth are – The Crust, Mantle, and Core
63. Absorption of CO2 occurred and oxygen was released and filled in the atmosphere by – Photosynthesis
64. The Geological Time Scale is a system of chronological measurement that relates stratigraphy to – Time
65. Great Ice Age is related to – Pleistocene Epoch
66. Which period has been considered to be the Little Ice Age? – 1650 AD to 1870 AD
67. The shape of the Earth is called – Geoid
68. The Sea of Tranquility lies on – Moon
69. On the surface of the Moon two people cannot hear each other because – Moon does not have an Atmosphere
70. Lunar eclipse occurs – When Earth comes between Sun and Moon
71. When two full Moons occur in a single month what is the second full Moon called – Blue Moon
72. In which year Chandrayaan-1 Mission by ISRO was launched? – 2008
73. In which year Chandrayaan-2 by ISRO was launched? – 2019
74. The movement of the Earth on its axis is called – Rotation
75. The Earth continuously rotates on its axis in which direction? – West to East
76. Earth takes how many hours to complete one cycle of rotation? – 23.59 Hours
77. How many degrees does the Earth rotate about its own axis in one hour? – 15 Degrees
78. Days and nights are of equal duration at what region of Earth? – The Equatorial Region
79. The Earth’s revolution around the Sun is in what shape of orbit? – Elliptical
80. Seasons over the Earth are the result of – Revolution of the Earth on its Inclined Axis
81. 1/4th day of each year is added as one day every 4th year, this year is called – Leap Year
82. The Sun does not set below the horizon at the Arctic Circle on – 21st March
83. At the winter solstice, the noon altitude of the Sun at the Tropic of Cancer is – 66.5 Degree
84. The shortest day length that occurs in the Northern Hemisphere is on – 22nd December
85. Countries Lie on the Equator – Sao Tome and Principe, Gabon, Republic of the Congo, The Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda, Kenya, Somalia, Maldives, Indonesia, Kiribati, Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil
86. Countries Lying on the Tropic of Cancer – Algeria, Niger, Libya, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, Chad, India, Bangladesh, Myanmar, China, Mexico, Bahamas, Mauritania, Mali, Hawaii Island, Taiwan
87. Countries Lie on the Tropic of Capricorn – Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, Namibia, Botswana, South Africa, Mozambique, Madagascar, Australia, Tonga, French Polynesia
88. The imaginary cellular line running on the globe, which divides it into two equal hemispheres, is known as – The Equator
89. Which tropic line is at 23.5° North latitude and runs through Mexico, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, India, and Southern China? – Tropic of Cancer
90. The Tropic of Capricorn runs through Chile, Southern Brazil, South Africa, and Australia, it is at which latitude? – 23.5 Degrees South
91. The Equator, Tropic of Cancer, and Capricorn all pass through which continent? – African Continent
92. The prime meridian known as the Greenwich line is at which latitude? – 0° longitude
93. Where is the geographical position of 0° latitude and 0° longitude? – In the South Atlantic Ocean
94. The difference in longitudes for two places is 90 degrees, then the time interval would be – 6 Hours
95. The local time of a place is 6 AM when the Greenwich Mean time is 3 AM, and the longitude of the place is – 45 Degrees East
96. International Date Line (IDL) passes through which ocean? – Pacific Ocean
97. The time of Cairo is ahead by 2 hours from Greenwich. Cairo is located at Longitude – 30 Degrees East
98. Which layer does the Lithosphere include besides the crust and the upper part? – The Mantle
99. What are the names of the three layers with which the structure of the Earth’s interior is layered? – Crust, Mantle, and Core
100. Which is thicker among the oceanic and Continental crusts? – Continental Crust
101. The maximum depth of Lithosphere is found in which ocean? – Pacific Ocean
102. A large body of magnetic material that cools in the deeper depth of the Earth is the crust and developed in the form of large domes is known as – Batholiths
103. What is another name by which the Sialic Layer is also known? – (Answer: Lithosphere)